Sunday, February 27, 2011

Chili Colorado, Second Attempt

6 California Chilies, 4 Ancho Chilies. This time I fried the chilies an appropriate amount (a few seconds per side), and omitted the oil, a mistake I made the first time around. Nice to not smoke the house out on a Sunday afternoon.

Two changes to the recipe. The first has to do with frying, and I'm sure it is no big deal. I fried the meat in the dutch oven in two batches. After I finished the second batch, I cut the flame and pressed the chili puree through a sieve. Once fully pressed, I returned the heat and cooked for five minutes.

The second change was to make a flour roux using about a tablespoon of flour to two cups of water. I ran the water completely out of the sauce last time, but the result was very little chili. I'm hoping to get a slightly thicker sauce this time, so we'll see how the consistency turns out.

The water was added at 3:50 p.m., and the heat kept high while the chili returned to a boil. I started simmering the sauce at 3:55, partially covered. The simmer was at medium low (4 or 5, back and forth). Simmered until 4:55, then added another half teaspoon of salt. Cut heat down to low. Sauce is rich and savory, of medium consistency. Very tasty.

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