Wednesday, June 25, 2014

The Endless Aperol Apertif

Aperol and Tonic for the Masses
In the summer months, I struggle often with what to have when I come home. The six o'clock hour is a mild one in my garden. The daytime warmth is enveloping, but the sun has set behind the big oak across the way, making the heat more comfortable than overbearing. It is during these times that I want a drink both refreshing and stimulating. I tend toward an acidic white or rosé, but it tends to leave me parched. A gin and tonic is also refreshing, but can often knock me out.

So I made up this. 2 oz. Aperol, 1 oz. tonic syrup, 2 oz. soda water. Stir. Add ice. Top with soda water. Garnish with lemon peel that is broken and expressed so that citrus hits the nose immediately.

The first few sips are all soda water. Then you start to catch the Aperol and tonic misture. Just as you do, top off with soda water.

Standing up
What one ends up with is a constantly refreshing drink that allows for ups and downs in intensity. I can usually get 24 oz. of water into this mixture before I have to make another. It's a different take on the cocktail/water back combination.


  1. Also - I just had a great drink in Austria.. White wine, soda water, a dash of Elderflower syrup and a mint sprig. So refreshing and tasted great!
