Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Tonic Water #7: Machine in the Garden

baby lemongrass
I'm ready for a change. I've been making variations on tonic #3 for some time, pushing the coriander to give the resulting tonic a little spice. Now I'm moving into the garden. For this flavor profile, I cut down lemongrass and lavender.

The only problem is that my lemongrass is not fully grown. So I had to use anemic stalks. Alas.

lavender in bloom (on the right)
The lavender is also not prolific. It is being crowded out at present by the bee balm, which I would get rid of if I didn't like having the explosion of purple in my front planter. It's nice and all, but it prevents my other herbs from growing.

I had about a handful of lavender and about eight tiny stalks of lemongrass to use.

The big change was that I added them last. So it looked like this

Bring 4 cups water to a boil, covered. Add:

1/4 cup citric acid

1/4 cup cinchona bark

1/4 tsp salt

Reduce to a simmer, covered, and let simmer for 40 minutes.

Then, cut heat and add lemongrass and lavender.

Muddle. Stir.

Allow to steep for 2 hours. Or however long. Stir periodically, if desired. Move to fridge.

I will let it sit for exactly two days before running it through cheescloth and pressing the lavender/lemongrass/cinchona mixture to extract any last flavor. Then I'll let it sit for exactly two more days clarifying before running it through a paper filter.

My hope is that this produces a more fragrant, nose-centered tonic. One that you feel good smelling before you put in the drink and that gives it just a little more pop. I fear, however, that the cinchona bark is unforgiving and only takes dark flavors, like cloves. But then again, I can always up the amount of lavender and lemongrass if this proves a noble failure.

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