Sunday, May 27, 2012

Faceplanting carrots, soaking seeds, and stopping suckers

He's dead Jim (the carrots)
Yesterday was a big garden day--four and a half hours in both the front and back. Rarely am I afforded such time. The most significant is the planting of new carrot seeds. My first planting was a dismal failure, and I am now convinced that my garden hose watering of the row washed the seeds out and left them undernourished. I conducted an experiment yesterday where I sprayed down the row for a good amount of time, giving time in between to allow the water to sink in. Despite all of this, the water barely penetrated the row. So after planting a new row of carrot seeds, I dropped my soaker hose on the row and let it run for about two hours. I'm resolved to run the soaker everyday for the next week, just to try and keep the seeds moist in the early dog days of summer.

Unpretty Pine Straw
The bulk of my actual work consisted of loading up wheelbarrows of pine straw, laying down newspaper on Maia's patch and then dropping three inches of pine straw down as a weed barrier. I'm tired of the weeds. The pine straw ain't pretty, but I'll drop proper pine straw on it when the time is right.

I noted in the last post that I dropped some compost on the half-ass herb garden and on various backyard plants. I did some weeding as well. Ha. It looks like hell back there, I'm not afraid to say.

Waiting for Godotomato
Today I pruned suckers off of the Orange Blossom tomato plant. It is already growing fruit, so I'm going to try and redirect growth to the fruit to produce some big ones. Not having any basis for comparison, I have no idea if it will work. But it's kind of fun.

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