Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Age of Arugla

Arugula is to garden-variety lettuce as Louis C.K. is to comics--impolite yet heartwarming, pungent and unapologetic. It goes by several names, not the least of which is "the rocket," which describes precisely where it's searingly peppery taste might take you, if you aren't expecting it.

The rocket romances Bolivia
I've been eating arugula now for almost a year on a near daily basis. I love it in my packed lunches because it is as close as I can get to being high at noon (at least without getting in some serious trouble). But only recently have I branched out from my grain-arugula salads into something a little different.

Last night we had a no-cook sauce pasta (courtesy of a nameless friend) featuring arugula. It was absurdly simple. Start with arugula, olive oil and microplaned parm (the good kind). Add the spaghetti and toss, allowing the arugula to wilt. Add lemon juice and zest and pasta water, let it settle while you get everything else together.

(Actually I'll have to check this recipe, but I believe that was how it went.)

Today I made up hot quinoa and made a hot arugula-lemon juice-olive oil-parm salad. It was phenomenal. One of the joys of working at home a day or two a week.

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