Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Meat on the Bone, Pampered

I enjoy all the ribs we do, but I still feel like my ribs aren't tender enough. I'm going to try the southern technique of smoking and then sweating them to see if I can't get them real tenda. We'll call this the SSS method: Soaked-Smoked-Sweated

Night before: rub down ribs in my proprietary rub--a rub so delectable that no one knows the recipe. And I mean no one. I have no idea what I put in this rub, except that it has some usual ingredients and some cinnamon in it too. Wrap ribs in plastic wrap and throw in the refrigerator. Soak wood chips for grilling the next day.

[15 hours later]

Get coals going. Add soaked woodchips. Set for indirect heat, drop in the ribs. Temperature starts at 150 and climbs over the next twenty minutes to 210, and stays there for the next 1 hour and twenty minutes. Remove, wrap with foil, return to grill. After another thirty minutes, drop all the dampers. Temp perpetually cools to 150 for the next one hour or so.

Total cooking time: 2.5-3 hours. Temperature is a bell curve from 150 to 210--no higher.

Remove and let sit for fifteen minutes. I also placed the rack on it side to let any excess fat train before I cut off the individual ribs.

Wrapping in foil works, except of course that a lot of liquified fat pools. This isn't a huge deal, but keep in mind which side is down. I put the bone side down, so the meaty portion stayed crispy.

The result was the most tender I've ever had with ribs. I've been overcooking them, no question. This produced a tender result, and one where the meat and the rub can really shine. I refused sauce, which is a big deal for me.

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